Understanding the Builder Pattern with PHP
The Builder Pattern is a creational design pattern that helps construct complex objects step by step. Unlike other creational patterns, the Builder pattern does not require the objects to be immutable and thus allows step-by-step configuration of the object before its final creation. This is particularly useful when an object requires several parameters for its […]
Secure Authentication with SSH Keys
Using an SSH public key provides a secure and convenient way to authenticate yourself to remote servers. Here’s a guide on how to set up and use SSH public key authentication: Generate SSH Key Pair: First, generate a key pair consisting of a public key and a private key. The private key should be kept […]
Understanding TypeScript Generics
Generics are a powerful feature in TypeScript that allow you to create reusable and type-safe components. By using generics, you can write functions. Whether you’re building a simple utility function or a complex data structure, understanding and leveraging generics can greatly enhance the flexibility and reusability of your TypeScript code. Experiment with generics in your […]
Regex functions in php
A regular expression (regex) is a formalized string of characters that defines a search pattern, primarily used for pattern matching within text. This pattern can be employed to locate, match, and manage specific substrings within a larger body of text, allowing for sophisticated text processing tasks. Regex is widely utilized in various applications such as […]
Understanding the Adapter Pattern with PHP
The Adapter Pattern is a structural design pattern that allows objects with incompatible interfaces to work together. It acts as a bridge between two incompatible interfaces, making it possible for a class to use the functionality of another class. In this article, we’ll explore the Adapter Pattern using an example in PHP. We’ll create a […]
Understanding the Template Method Pattern with PHP
The Template Method pattern is a behavioral design pattern that defines the skeleton of an algorithm in a method, deferring some steps to subclasses. This pattern lets subclasses redefine certain steps of an algorithm without changing the algorithm’s structure In this article, we’ll explore the Template Method pattern using a simple sandwich-making example in PHP. […]
Demystifying Regular Expression Characters: Understanding Their Meanings
Regular expressions are essential for pattern matching and text processing tasks, and understanding the significance of each character is key to leveraging their full potential. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of regex and empower you with the knowledge to wield them effectively. Let’s dive in!” “Exploring the Quirks of Regex Syntax: Unveiling Its […]
Exploring Dependency Injection (DI) and Inversion of Control (IoC)
Dependency injection is a pattern we can use to implement IoC, where the control being inverted is setting an object’s dependencies